A walk to Parc Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia’s capital: peace, flowers and Labib


more flowers along the roadIf the rain holds off, March is really good walking weather in Tunis. It’s about two miles from La Marsa, Cite le Pins to Sidi Bousaid. The sun was shining. The air was clear. The flowers were brightly in bloom.

avenue 14 janvierLabib, once the Ben Ali regime’s official mascot of environmental awareness, stood at the start of Avenue 14 Janvier.


Labib was a rather inspired mascot. It is the desert fox (Vulpes zerda), which is found in southern Tunisia.

As a mascot, the long-eared, blue jumpsuit-wearing Labib lasted for 20 years until April 2012 but statues survive across the country.

parc sidi bousaidSoon after you enter the park, there’s a gracious Erythrina lysistemon, sometimes commonly called common coral or lucky bean tree. Erythrina lysistemon or the coral tree

The green expanse was peaceful.

the park

la tournelleLa Tournelle, the café on the water, is just right for a citronnade, a the au amande (tea with almonds) or a pizza.in the park