With a book fair and bravado, Sousse in Tunisia, shows that ‘life goes on’


book fair noticeToday, the Sousse Salon Livre International comes to an end. We were there at its opening at the hands of Tunisia’s relatively new culture minister, Sonia M’barek.

cultural showAnd the mayor of Sousse told me that the Book Fair was more important than ever to the city. “We want to show that life goes on. That it must go on.”

1984 is available

It is.

Even though the Koran was discounted right at the outset.

koran discount close up

The Jiddu Krishnamurti Association of Tunisia had a stall.

krishnamurti 2the jiddu krishnamurti association of tunisia had a stallWhat’s interesting about the Fair is that the book element is a relatively recent add-on to a venerable old entity. The book fair is three years old and the international marketplace is 60.