Prince Harry in the US: The big point of pointlessness

Prince Harry, US

Prince Harry has started a weeklong tour of the US

My friend – and former London foreign correspondent colleague Robert MacPherson – reports in his inimitable, well-judged, well-worded, way on Prince Harry’s visit to the US.

Robert says that Prince Harry “broke hearts in Washington’s corridors of power Thursday, showing more interest in landmines than in the excited female staffers and interns who turned out to greet him at the start of a week-long visit to the United States.”

I’m sure he’s spot on.

Just this morning, in Miami, reading USA Today, the rag that passes for a newspaper, I was riveted by the long piece they ran on Harry’s visit to the US. “Breath of fresh heir,” they intoned breathlessly; the pun was a-ok if that’s your style.

Anyway, to return to Prince Harry’s visit to the US. There doesn’t seem much point in it, except to remind people states-side that the British royals exist.

Not a bad reason. Just not massively interesting.