Housekeeping in #HaitianCreole: Zabuka ak pwa hummus
As we looked forward to a Sunday evening treat – seeing a couple of friends – we continued the green and fresh theme from the week’s birthday fest.
I made Avocado and Green Pea Hummus or Zabuka ak pwa hummus in kreyol.
How could one not? Haiti is so rich in avocados and avocados are so rich in their delicious creaminess.
The idea is to spread this Day Glo bright green nubbly paste on freshly baked crostini.
I changed the lovely Nigella Lawson’s lovely recipe around a bit (bumping up the garlic for instance).
The recipe:
1 ripe avocado (zabuka)
1 tablespoons lime juice (ji citron vert)
3 cloves garlic (lai)
1 cup frozen peas (pwa)
1 tsp olive oil (lwil oliv)
season with salt (sel) to taste
Boil the garlic with the peas for five minutes, drain, process everything together.