When Sanders falls out of race #DonaldTrump will threaten Hillary’s rallies
So #DonaldTrump has indirectly threatened to flood Bernie Sanders’ rallies with his own supporters as retaliation for what he insists has been the deliberate infiltration of his events.
Just watch. He will do it.
And when Mr Sanders, the most liberal senator in America, falls out of the Democratic nomination race, Mr Trump will pursue Hillary Clinton. He will send people to disrupt her rallies; there will be violence; there will be social tension and as in 1968, Americans will fear that their country is falling apart.
That’s one scenario in this US presidential campaign, brought on by a big-mouthed bully with a Me fixation.
The other scenario is that it won’t happen. For those inclined to be more gentle towards all (and towards Mr Trump as well), watch a video by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. The chances are that people will be so sickened by Mr Trump’s call to violence, he won’t get very far.
In the video, Ms Maddow described the violence that broke out around a Trump rally on Friday in Chicago as follows: “This has turned out to be a night that may go down in history as one of the darker moments in American major politics.
“I think we got here by deliberate means. I don’t think we got here by accident.”
She goes on to note recent unrest over police killings of African Americans in the St Louis area, Chicago and Cleveland and the fact that Mr Trump recently held events in all three cities.
“Those are not the only American cities that have proven to be real tinderboxes around issues of race and racism and policing and violence,” says Ms Maddow. “But those three happen to be the three most recent stops on the itinerary of Republican presidential contender Donald Trump, whose rallies have featured racially charged incidents of violence for months now.”
In her video, Ms Maddow accuses Donald Trump of stoking “bloodlust” with “half-serious calls for a tougher America where there are more beatings and anti-Trump protesters should fear for their lives”.
“As he heads into these tinderbox cities,” she continues, “I just want you to watch how that part of candidate Trump’s rhetoric has escalated.”
The video runs a chronological, date-stamped sequence of utterances by Mr Trump, which she says represent “a deliberate act which created what happened tonight (Friday night) in Chicago”.
“It really is like nothing we’ve ever seen in mainstream American politics before,” she says, comparing Trump’s rhetoric and the behaviour of crowds at his rallies to “skinhead events” in the 1980s.
The video sequence begins with Mr Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on February 1. He asks fans: “If you see someone getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?”
It ends in Fayetteville, North Carolina where a protester was sucker-punched by a Trump supporter. Ms Maddow’s video shows Trump speaking in St Louis earlier on Friday, at a rally he was advised by local officials to cancel, due to the threat of protests, but did not.
“There are no consequences to protesting anymore,” Mr Trump says from the podium, as protesters are taken out. “Our country has to toughen up, folks, we have to toughen up. These people are bringing us down … these people are so bad for our country, you have no idea, folks. You have no idea.”
Ms Maddow says: “If you want to know what led up to Chicago today, that was Donald Trump’s display of leadership and calming the waters.”
Over footage of the violence in Chicago, she points out: “This is the work of an American presidential candidate who deliberately made this happen. And the Republican party is going to nominate this man for president.”
May be it won’t happen.