Frontier justice? Delhi rape accused dies in prison

The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, whose principles still have constitutional value

The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, whose principles still have constitutional value

How could Ram Singh hang himself? It is disquieting to hear of the death in prison of the man who drove the bus that ferried the Delhi rape victim along the roads of the Indian capital, even as she was violated, fatally injured and left broken.

Ram Singh raped the girl too. As did his conspirators.

To that extent, no one should mourn his death. He committed an evil act. Should his actions not catch up with him?

“Good riddance,” say some on Twitter.

“Why bother?” say others.

That is the mindset that sees frontier justice as the best outcome.

He drove the bus that took the physiotherapy student on that fatal ride. He participated in the atrocities. His brother allegedly cleaned up afterwards.

But it is important that justice be seen to be dispensed.