Will Dr Clever Clogs, otherwise known as ChatGPT, be at Davos 2024?

It would make sense for ChatGPT, the generative AI tool, to be an honoured attendee at next year’s Davos.
After all, it’s a high-flyer and drawing big bucks in investment.
By every indication, ChatGPT is poised to hit the big time.
ChatGPT recently sat three parts of the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) as part of an experiment. Researchers used USMLE because its “linguistic and conceptual richness” rendered it “an excellent challenge for GPT”.
In their words, the exam “is a high-stakes, comprehensive three-step standardized testing program covering all topics in physicians’ fund of knowledge, spanning basic science, clinical reasoning, medical management, and bioethics”. They said that typically, the exam is taken by “medical students who have completed two years of didactic and problem-based learning and focuses on basic science, pharmacology, and pathophysiology” and who “spend approximately 300-400 hours of dedicated study time in preparation”.
ChatGPT passed.
Even though it scraped through, the fact that it did demonstrates ChatGPT’s phenomenal skills, never having been trained on a medical dataset. The researchers had made sure the answers, explanations or any content related to the USMLE were not indexed on Google.
The result of ChatGPT’s exam success may be the rise of robot junior doctors. These may be entities who study reams of a patient’s medical records and point out anomalies and issues of concern.
Machine-directed clinical diagnoses, decisions, surgery and medical procedures may be a little way off but ChatGPT has already shown itself to be Dr Clever Clogs.
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